What truths do you live by?

What truths do you seek?

What truths will you share?


I am a chemical engineer by training and an explorer at heart. I love the scientific method and the discoveries it brings to the curious and the tenacious. I really don’t like bad science; the sloppy use of the scientific method and statistics to trick people into accepting a political or commercial point of view. The people of the world deserve honest and hardworking scientists and engineers who seek for the up lift of the human family. I spell out great truths in this field, mainly using the periodic table.


This is the key question of science and all discover. It is the humility to admit that we don't know. It is the courage to stand up to accepted truths when we see things that don't fit. Ask why and then go find out.


Are you a nerd? Then own in, double down. Our quality of life and even the length of our lives are increasing because there are more nerds in the world today than ever before. When I was growing up being called a nerd was a serious insult but not anymore. Today it is awesome to use your brain and be super nerdy!


Science is an amazing process to iterate towards truth. If done right we can move closer and closer to truth but never completely arrive; as Einstein said, “no amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a single experiment can prove me wrong.” There is good news however, because from an engineering perspective we very often do wonderful and useful things even with just partial truths and understanding of a subject. This design is a tribute to science and what it actually is when done in the best way we currently now how.


I wish we didn’t live in a world where people used scientists and the word science to control and manipulate others, but we do. So it is the job of those of us that love science and love the truth to push back. We must remember Richard Feynman’s definition of science. “Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts”; and this comes from one of the world’s greatest scientists and physics teacher ever. So do real science, ask question, observe the data, and challenge bad conclusions with better ones. Let’s show the world what science is not by our example of what science is.

Truths To Live By
Created by Robert McCauley

Who am I? Like the rest of you I am lots of things. A husband, father, son, grandson, follower of Jesus Christ, chemical engineer, a sinner, a saint, and a very curious seeker of truth. My sincere desire in this life is to do good in the world and if possible leave it better than how I found it. I believe in people and the great things we do together and could do together if we find the ways to unite in meaningful causes. I built this site and my designs to share ideas that I believe hold valuable truths. I will be wrong on some of them but I am not afraid to be wrong, I believe and try to practice the principle of trading up, truth for error, understanding for misunderstanding, and light for darkness. On the Truths To Live By site I will write essays on each truth I have posted. I hope you might find something of value for your life here and if you have truth to share with me or you can see errors in what I have shared please reach out to me. Thank you for spending some of your time here. – Robert McCauley

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